Empowering daily habits with occupational therapy #shorts

Life can be overwhelming at times, and it can feel like there's not enough time to make changes. But that's where occupational therapy comes in! As OTs, we support our patients by showing them how to make small, yet impactful changes in their daily routines.

The beauty of OT is that we don't ask our patients to start from scratch and do something completely new. Instead, we take what they're already doing and make modifications and adaptations to make their habits healthier. By embedding these changes directly into their daily routine, we ensure that our patients can maintain these habits for the long term.

Join us in empowering daily habits and making small changes that lead to a happier, healthier life.

#OccupationalTherapy #OT #DailyHabits #HealthyLiving #Empowerment #Modifications #Adaptations

Taylor Gurley is a professor of occupational therapy.

Link in bio or visit kevinmd.com/podcast

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