Hidradenitis suppurativa: The silent suffering no one talks about

It's quite surprising that the general public remains relatively uninformed about this condition, despite its relatively subdued nature and the immense suffering it causes. Essentially, patients afflicted with it experience the development of painful nodules or abscesses, sometimes colloquially referred to as boils, which progressively worsen over a period of a few weeks. These lesions often rupture, discharging pus and blood. Typically occurring in concealed areas like the underarms and groin, patients are often reluctant to discuss it openly, resulting in many individuals keeping their condition hidden from family members for extended periods or, in some cases, never revealing it at all.

The concealment of these symptoms and the associated stigma surrounding chronic wounds in such intimate areas contribute to the lack of discourse on the topic. One can easily comprehend why this condition remains a well-kept secret. It typically emerges during adolescence or early adulthood, which adds an additional layer of complexity to the situation. Explaining this condition to others, whether in romantic or platonic relationships, can be an exceptionally challenging task. In comparison to other dermatological conditions like psoriasis and eczema, which enjoy a degree of recognition, Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) remains relatively unheard of, despite its prevalence and the fact that it often imposes a more significant burden on those who live with it.

Christopher Sayed is a dermatologist.

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