Unlocking the power of bariatric surgery in the fight against obesity

As a bariatric surgeon, it's important to consider how both the public and healthcare providers perceive and approach surgery in the context of obesity. While I touched on this briefly earlier, let's delve into a more detailed approach and explore how we should ideally frame bariatric surgery.

Obesity is a complex condition with multifactorial roots. Similar to conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, it requires a comprehensive approach. Fortunately, we have both medical and surgical interventions at our disposal. It's crucial to recognize that addressing obesity encompasses not only physical health but also mental well-being. In my ideal world, we should view all these options as valid and suitable for certain patients.

In this perspective, it's vital to approach the issue without assigning blame to patients. Obesity is a systemic problem influenced by a multitude of factors, far beyond the control of any individual. Therefore, our focus should be on providing compassionate and effective solutions, rather than placing undue responsibility on those affected by it.

Maria Iliakova is a bariatric and general surgeon.

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