Unlocking the secrets of hidradenitis suppurativa: a journey to help underserved patients #shorts

As medical professionals, we all entered this field with the goal of helping patients. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, we encounter patients who struggle with conditions that seem impossible to manage. These can be frustrating experiences for both the patient and the doctor.

For me, it was the realization that there were many patients suffering from conditions like psoriasis and hidradenitis suppurativa. While psoriasis is a well-known condition with many specialists and treatment options, hidradenitis suppurativa is often overlooked and misunderstood.

I decided to focus my efforts on unlocking the secrets of hidradenitis suppurativa, and I've been humbled by our progress. We've been able to help so many patients who had been struggling for years, and it's been incredibly rewarding.

This journey has taught me that many underrepresented and underserved patient populations are out there. And as medical professionals, it's our duty to help them.

Christopher Sayed is a dermatologist.

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#HidradenitisSuppurativa #SkinConditions #PatientCare #MedStudent #MedSchool #UnderrepresentedPopulations #MedicalResearch

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