Unlocking the secrets to a healthy mind: the importance of a comprehensive evaluation #shorts

I believe that a thorough evaluation is the key to providing excellent care for my patients. During my training, I learned that a good interview is the foundation of good work, and that's why I spend up to two hours evaluating each person who comes to see me.

I ask all the usual questions you might expect from a psychiatrist, such as their medical history and current medications. But I also delve deeper, asking about their exercise and spirituality practices, whether they're on any supplements (which can have a big impact on their health but are often overlooked), and what their diet looks like.

Recent research has shown that gut health is closely linked to brain health, and we know that many of the chemicals that regulate mood and sleep are produced in the gut. So, by taking a holistic approach and discussing all aspects of my patients' health, I can help them achieve optimal brain and overall health.

Holly MacKenna is an integrative psychiatrist.

Link in bio or visit kevinmd.com/podcast

#mindbodyconnection #holistichealth #brainhealth #guthealth #supplements #nutrition #mentalhealthawareness

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