Unveiling my genetic destiny: Living with Huntington's disease #shorts

In my early thirties, I went through genetic testing and discovered that I'm gene positive for Huntington's disease. This means that although I don't have the disease yet, it's inevitable that I will develop it at some point in my life. The uncertainty of when the symptoms will occur has made accepting my future a challenging journey. #GeneticTesting #HuntingtonsGenePositive

Coming to terms with the reality of living with Huntington's disease has been a long and emotional process. It's not easy to imagine a future where I won't live as vibrantly as I do now. This disease doesn't just impact me, it also affects my family. One day, my daughter and husband will become my caregivers. #AcceptingMyFuture #FamilyImpact

Erin Paterson is a writer.

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