Unveiling the surge: Addressing the rise in behavioral mental health concerns #shorts

Currently, we are witnessing a significant increase in behavioral mental health concerns. It is important to acknowledge that these concerns have always existed, even prior to the pandemic. In fact, before the pandemic, one in five children would receive a behavioral mental health diagnosis by the age of 18.

Since the pandemic, we have observed distressing statistics, such as a third of adolescent girls experiencing depression and one in seven males contemplating suicide. Males, in particular, tend to avoid discussing their mental health challenges. As a pediatrician, establishing a strong relationship with your patients is crucial. Building trust and creating a safe space for them to confide in you is vital.

It is important for patients to recognize that you are there to support them and that acknowledging their challenges is a positive step towards their well-being. This emphasis on trust and support plays a significant role in addressing behavioral mental health concerns among young individuals.

#MentalHealthAwareness #BehavioralHealth #PediatricCare #BuildingTrust #SupportSystem

Hilary M. Bowers is a pediatrician.

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