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A Physician in the venture capital world
Excellent overall talk on venture capital and opportunities for physicians to be involved.

Frontline guilt
Kevin is an empathetic physician who choose topics that I want to hear. So good to have this caring physician having an impact on so many!

Finally! A podcast from KevinMD
Thrilled to see Dr. Kevin Pho drop his new podcast. I can’t think of a better person to host a podcast. Kevin is articulate and let’s his guests shine. I love learning about these inspiring docs and all that they do. Bravo, Kevin!

KevinMD brings it!!
As one might expect from the leading social media voice in Medicine, KevinMD delivers again! These stories are short and sweet, but nonetheless incredibly powerful. Can’t wait to hear more stories from docs who otherwise have a hard time getting their voices to be heard!

Adds another dimension to insightful articles and humanizes doctors.