
March 23, 2024

Physician mental health: Breaking the silence

Pediatric nephrologist Katherine Twombley opens up about her personal journey and her book, First Do No Harm: A Physician's Burnout and Mental Health Guidebook from Medical School to Retirement. Join us as she sheds light on the important topic of physician mental health, drawing from her own experiences and the…

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March 23, 2024

From misdiagnosis to advocacy

We join Tami Burdick, a patient advocate and the author of Diagnosis Detective: Curing Granulomatous Mastitis. Tami's story is one of resilience, empowerment, and the quest for comprehensive health care solutions. Join us as Tami shares her journey through the health care system, from grappling with misdiagnoses to advocating for…

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March 22, 2024

Understanding academic vs. personal leave of absence

Understanding academic vs. personal leave of absence Let's examine the two primary categories of leave of absence: academic and personal. Each warrants its own discussion. Academic leave of absence typically arises when students face challenges such as failing multiple courses, necessitating a year of re-study, or failing a crucial exam.…

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March 22, 2024

Navigating a medical school leave of absence

We dive deep into the topic of taking a leave of absence from medical school with Stephanie E. Moss. Stephanie, a medical student who made the decision to take a break between her 2nd and 3rd year, shares her personal journey and offers invaluable insights for students contemplating a similar…

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March 21, 2024

Non-compete clauses for physicians

In contemporary corporate practice, it's virtually standard for companies to incorporate a non-compete clause into their boilerplate contracts consistently, and often, without exception. This practice is rooted in safeguarding the vested interests of the business. Ultimately, within this framework, a physician is regarded as a valuable business asset. By engaging…

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March 21, 2024

Health care surges: the role of virtual care partnerships

Join Lyle Berkowitz, a physician executive, as we explore the challenges faced by health systems during this time, from overcrowded emergency departments to increased demand for care. Lyle shares insights into traditional strategies employed by health care systems and discusses the potential drawbacks associated with them. Additionally, we explore the…

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March 20, 2024

Understanding and addressing incontinence in women

Many women experience incontinence, a topic often shrouded in silence and shame. Sadly, it's a condition frequently dismissed as normal, despite its significant impact on quality of life. The reluctance to address it head-on leads to decreased social engagement and physical activity among affected women. Consider the scenario of giving…

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March 19, 2024

Revealing secrets: The truth about opioid prescribing

We delve into the complexities of opioid prescribing, pain management, and the opioid crisis with our guest, Richard A. Lawhern. As a patient advocate, Richard brings a unique perspective to the table. Join us as we discuss the discrepancies in data handling by organizations like the CDC, the implications of…

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March 19, 2024

Patient-centered communication during challenging times

When a patient inquires about your well-being and you're grappling with challenges like being understaffed or dealing with an overwhelming number of messages, it's important to communicate your situation sincerely yet professionally. You could say, "Our team is fully committed to addressing the needs of every patient, even though we're…

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March 18, 2024

Non-competes: Legal updates that give physicians options

Did you know that non-compete contracts in the health care industry are constantly evolving? Join family physician and entrepreneur Tod Stillson as we dive into the latest legal changes impacting physicians' professional mobility. In this episode, we explore how these reforms are empowering physicians to make informed career choices with…

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March 17, 2024

Gratitude: the key to success in healthcare professions

For numerous healthcare professionals, our journey to success is marked by perseverance, or what we call grit. Along this path to becoming highly educated, distinguished physicians, clinicians, or executives, there have always been individuals who supported us. Expressing gratitude is a powerful practice that enhances our well-being. At the end…

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March 17, 2024

The hidden truth about postpartum depression

We sit down with Alan Lindemann, an obstetrics-gynecology physician, to delve into the intricate world of postpartum depression (PPD). With over four decades of experience in the field, Alan offers invaluable perspectives and advice on navigating the complexities of PPD and discusses the evolution of understanding PPD, dispelling common misconceptions…

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March 16, 2024

Redefining primary care: a holistic approach to well-being

Join Preyasha Tuladhar, a family physician, as she shares her unique approach to primary care. She delves into the integration of biomedical, psychosocial, and cultural considerations in developing personalized treatment plans for her patients. Discover how mindfulness practices, positive psychology techniques, and lifestyle modifications play a pivotal role in fostering…

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March 16, 2024

The dangers of confirmation bias: the Amanda Knox case

Confirmation bias, a phenomenon where individuals hastily form judgments based on media narratives, often leads to a rigid adherence to initial beliefs. In the case of Amanda Knox, this bias was glaringly evident. Sensationalized tabloid reports featuring images purportedly depicting blood-soaked crime scenes fueled public perception, triggering an immediate assumption…

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March 15, 2024

Exposing the truth: health care reality vs. perception

In this episode, we are joined by Sarah Smithson, an internal medicine physician, as we discuss the stark disparities between the experiences within clinical settings and the broader public's perception. Throughout our conversation, we explore the challenges of burnout, safety concerns, and the crucial need for collective support within the…

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March 14, 2024

Overcoming urinary incontinence challenges

We tackle the important topic of urinary incontinence with Sarah Boyles, a urogynecologist. Join us as we explore the often overlooked but impactful effects of urinary incontinence on individuals' quality of life, its prevalence across different age groups, and the associated mental health implications. Sarah sheds light on the economic…

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March 14, 2024

The self-care struggle of healthcare professionals

Healthcare professionals face a significant hurdle in prioritizing self-care. While daily life presents its fair share of stress, with an average of 10 stressful events per day, healthcare workers experience a staggering 10 stressful events per hour. Imagine an ICU nurse, a critical care surgeon, or a family physician constantly…

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March 13, 2024

A physician's struggle with recognition and value

Amidst the myriad constraints and relinquishment of autonomy, how did these circumstances affect you on a personal level, given your profession as a physician? To be candid, it left me with a pervasive sense of being undervalued. Despite pouring my dedication into my work, I couldn't shake the feeling that…

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March 13, 2024

Overcoming challenges with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

We sit down with Denise Reich, a patient advocate, to explore her journey of navigating the healthcare system with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). Denise shares her experiences from the initial mention of EDS during an ophthalmology appointment to finally receiving a formal diagnosis. We delve into the challenges she faced advocating…

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March 12, 2024

Exploring the benefits of Dry January for older adults

We sit down with Michael Pessman, a gerontologist, to discuss the unique risks older adults face with alcohol consumption. We'll explore the enhanced physical and mental health benefits of participating in Dry January, as well as the challenges of adopting new habits later in life. Join us as we dive…

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March 12, 2024

Avoid these mistakes: Patient care during a physician move

With over two decades of experience as a surgical oncologist, the physician had dedicated his career to a hospital-based practice. However, the pandemic prompted him to reassess his professional setting, leading him to relocate an hour away to join a new hospital system. This transition was unfortunately mishandled by his…

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March 11, 2024

High-profile legal cases: social media's role in modern justice

We explore the intersection of high-profile legal cases and social media with renowned psychiatrist and author Doug Bremner. In this episode, we'll be discussing the impact of social media on public perception, the challenges of maintaining due process in the digital age, and the complex dynamics at play in cases…

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March 10, 2024

The decline of physician autonomy

When discussing the reduction of physician autonomy, it's essential to understand the fundamental dynamics of employment as outlined by the United States Department of Labor. Employment inherently implies a level of control where employers dictate the manner, timing, location, and specific duties of their employees. This principle of control extends…

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March 10, 2024

Prioritizing self-care for health care workers

Join us as we sit down with general surgeon Scott Ellner to discuss evidence-based strategies aimed at improving the well-being of those on the front lines. In this insightful conversation, Scott delves into a range of techniques, from mindfulness to cold shower therapy, that can help health care professionals navigate…

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