
Dec. 17, 2022

Primary Care 2.0: new thinking and practice redesign

"When my colleagues and I visited high-performing primary care clinics across the country, we sought insights to inform a new model for providing the most efficient and high-quality care. Here’s how we’re practicing in Primary Care 2.0." Megan Mahoney is a family physician and member, board of governors, The Doctors…

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Dec. 17, 2022

From drowning in my thoughts to thriving: My journey to seeking help for my mental health #shorts

If you're struggling with your mental health, don't be afraid to reach out for help. Trust me, it's worth it. You never know how close you are to drowning in your own thoughts. Just go see a doctor or nurse and they'll help you out. Together, we can break the…

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Dec. 17, 2022

The role of government policy in reducing adverse childhood experiences

In this episode, we speak with Ariane Marie-Mitchell, a preventive medicine physician who discusses the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on health and development. She discusses the challenges of using a clinical tool to diagnose patients with high ACEs, and the limitations of the current policy approach in addressing…

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Dec. 17, 2022

Medical school and eating disorders: How I learned to ask for help #shorts

Opening up about my eating disorder during medical school was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But seeking help turned out to be so much easier than I thought. Now I'm sharing my story to encourage others to do the same and not be afraid to ask for…

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Dec. 16, 2022

Physicians with mental illness shouldn’t hide

"Doctors with mental illness don’t need more suicide awareness — we’re aware. And we don’t need confidential treatment opportunities. What we need is assurance from all invested parties — our employers, credentialing bodies, and licensing officials — that it will be OK if we need help, we can get what…

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Dec. 16, 2022

How to be a better ally: tips and insights #shorts

Being an ally isn't always easy, but it's so important for creating a more inclusive and equitable society. It takes listening, not making assumptions, and always being willing to support and uplift marginalized voices. How can we all be better allies? Let's start by having open and honest conversations about…

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Dec. 16, 2022

Why allies are so important #shorts

Why is having an ally so important? Well, when you're going through difficult times, it's nice to have someone by your side who understands what you're going through and is willing to speak up for you. Whether you're facing discrimination, oppression, or just general struggles in life, having an ally…

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Dec. 16, 2022

Simple tricks to make exercise part of your daily routine #shorts

Exercise doesn't have to be a daunting task. In fact, it can be part of your daily routine without even feeling like "exercise." The key is to find ways to incorporate movement and physical activity into your everyday activities. For example, you can do squats while brushing your teeth in…

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Dec. 15, 2022

What does it mean to truly be an ally?

"We can all work to improve our empathy towards those who differ from us. Please continue to keep an open mind and consider true allyship." Nkem Asianua is a physician assistant student. She shares her story and discusses the KevinMD article, "What does it mean to truly be an ally?"…

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Dec. 15, 2022

The shocking connection between obesity and chronic pain #shorts

Obesity and chronic pain are interconnected in ways that are seriously concerning! Being obese often means being less active, which can lead to joint, ligament, and muscle issues. This can make you more likely to get injured, and it can also impact your cardiovascular health by decreasing blood flow to…

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Dec. 14, 2022

Nutrition's impact on pain and obesity

"Both pain and obesity can have a multitude of causes. Therefore, reducing pain and body weight should be approached in a multifactorial way; nutritionally, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Failure to do so may result in short-term success but long-term failure." Francisco M. Torres is an interventional physiatrist specializing in diagnosing…

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Dec. 14, 2022

How patients, doctors, and advocates can make a difference #shorts

As patient advocates, we play a crucial role in the healthcare system by providing support and guidance to patients and their families. By sharing our knowledge and experiences, we can help break down barriers and improve care for all. Let's come together and support each other in our mission to…

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Dec. 14, 2022

Breaking down barriers to healthcare for every child #shorts

As patient advocates, it's our responsibility to speak up and demand change in a healthcare system that often fails to serve kids from marginalized communities. The racial, ethnic, and economic disparities we see in primary care attendance rates are unacceptable and stem from systemic issues that must be addressed. Let's…

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Dec. 13, 2022

Why Black and brown kids are falling through the cracks

"Our primary care systems should be designed for all the kids and families they are intended to serve. Incorporating system navigators to support the needs of our most vulnerable families is a feasible step in the right direction." Jeffrey Shahidullah is pediatric psychologist. He shares his story and discusses his…

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Dec. 13, 2022

Thoroughly screen for potential complications before starting hormone therapy #shorts

It's time to prioritize patient safety and well-being! As healthcare professionals, it's our responsibility to thoroughly screen patients before starting them on hormone therapy. This means asking questions about their medical history, including any family history of early heart attack or stroke, thrombophilia, lupus, headaches, or migraines with aura. By…

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Dec. 13, 2022

Ask the right questions and consider their full medical history before starting hormone therapy

As healthcare professionals, it's essential that we ask the right questions and consider a patient's full medical history before starting them on hormone therapy. By doing so, we can avoid potential complications and ensure that the therapy is both safe and effective for the individual. Maria Mba Wright is a…

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Dec. 12, 2022

You need to ask these questions to teens starting hormone therapy

"A good history and physical, including screening, can prevent consequences that burden a patient’s daily life and increase health care costs. Assessing cardiovascular risk is a key part of the evaluation. Transgender individuals may have a compounded risk. Awareness and education for both the patient and the provider are vital.…

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Dec. 12, 2022

Learn from your kids and prioritize your own well-being to avoid burnout #shorts

As healthcare professionals, we often sacrifice our own needs and values in the service of others. But if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of our patients. Learning from our kids, who have the language and confidence to set boundaries and advocate for themselves, can help…

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Dec. 12, 2022

The pandemic reveals the true cost of exploiting healthcare workers #shorts

The pandemic has only worsened the exploitation of healthcare workers, with many facing increased workloads and decreased resources. Now more than ever, it's important to support and protect the well-being of the physicians and other healthcare professionals on the front lines of this crisis. Yvonne Ator is a physician and…

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Dec. 11, 2022

What my 10 year old is teaching me about boundaries

"You are worthy of your own boundaries. You are worthy of protecting what matters to you. Get clear about them. The time to start is now. You deserve it." Yvonne Ator is a physician and personal and executive coach for physicians. She shares her story and discusses her KevinMD article,…

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Dec. 11, 2022

Avoid timeshare presentations and save yourself from high-pressure sales tactics #shorts

Don't let the promise of a free buggy ride (or any other "incentive") lure you into a timeshare presentation! These high-pressure sales tactics can result in you overpaying for a timeshare that you may not even want or need. Avoid the costly mistake of buying a timeshare at full price…

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Dec. 11, 2022

Don't fall for the timeshare trap: Just say NO to high-pressure sales presentations #shorts

Just say NO to timeshare presentations! These high-pressure sales tactics can result in you overpaying for a timeshare with little to no bargaining power. Instead, consider purchasing a timeshare on the secondary market where you can often get a better deal. Cory Fawcett is a general surgeon and the author…

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Dec. 10, 2022

Every physician should own a timeshare

"If you are a physician, don’t fall for the tall tales you have heard from people who do not know how to use their timeshare or were never good candidates to own one in the first place. Their mythical stories include: You must stay at the same place every year,…

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Dec. 10, 2022

Making the decision to leave clinical medicine #shorts

Making the decision to leave clinical medicine was not an easy one for me. As a medical oncologist, I was honored to have the opportunity to play such a significant role in my patients' lives. But I also recognized that this work can be incredibly draining. Telling someone they have…

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